
Prologue to the First Book (Pantagruel and Gargantua)

'Following the dog’s example, you will have to be wise in sniffing, smelling, and estimating these fine and meaty books; swiftness in the chase and boldness in the attack are what is called for; after which, by careful reading, and frequent meditation, you should break the bone and suck the substantific marrow – that is to say, the meaning of the Pythagorean symbols which I employ- in the certain hope that you will be rendered prudent and valorous by such a reading; for in the course of it you will find things of quite a different taste and doctrine more abstruse which shall reveal to you most high sacraments and horrific mysteries in what concerns our religion, as well as the state and our political and economic life.'
(Rabelais 1979: 49-50)

Rabelais, Francois (1946/1979)  The Portable Rabelais, ed. and trans. Samuel Putnam, Viking Books (reprint 1979)

Diogenes, king of the barrel and locuter of the dog, I hear you speak from Underneath the Arches: